How to pick up a woman: The impact of clothing

How to pick up a woman?

The answer to this question has been a Pandora's box of sorts for men all around the world. There are many probabilities, but very few of them actually work. But let me tell you something that does have a significant impact – clothing.

I'm sure many of your must have heard of the saying 'A picture is worth a thousand words'. In the same manner, if your first impression is an outstanding one, you are sure to have a better chance of getting the opposite sex attracted towards you than by anything else, like a fancy car or expensive accessories. And by this, I certainly am not implying that the women who would approach you would by only interested in looks. They, like any other human, would have a tendency to get attracted first, and fall in love later. So the next time you are wondering how to pick up a woman, take a good look at yourself in the mirror and see what kind of clothes would suit you best, and then buy them! Further, you might also consult some good fashion magazines to look your best and give off a favorable impression.

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